The Function of Shades and Draperies
Think of window treatments as subtle, elegant and luxurious frames for your views. Corinne Brown ensures that no glass will be lost, no view obscured by window coverings when they are in the fully opened position.
In this client's lovely Lake Tahoe, California home we used roman shades with motorized solar shades underneath to maximally capture the light and to emphasize the spectacular scenery. The roman shades were carefully integrated into a custom valance that tied to all of the exquisite Craftsman style mill work in the home. As your eyes travel around the space, the design elements of Emphasis and Rhythm are used.
In addition to sight,
window treatments engage your other senses as well. The fabrics soften sounds that solid flooring, walls, windows, and life's activities can amplify.
Shades and draperies contribute to a hushed, peaceful environment. Differing amounts of light and shade may be chosen, to brighten a room or to create a restful space.
The particular wall configuration and your preferences will dictate whether draperies, shades or a combination of treatments are chosen.
Brown Design Group is currently working on one of our lovely clients' remodel of their Mammoth vacation home. We look forward to collaborating with these long term clients to express their current story of what feels like home, while paying particular attention to helping them emphasize their stunning views.